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Oxygen Enrichment

Add oxygen for improved efficiency

In the Power industry, you can add oxygen to a boiler’s air stream to increase throughput and burn materials at higher temperatures. The increased oxygen concentration and higher temperatures allow you to burn more material in the same amount of time. This can lead to increased steam production, and in turn, more power generation.

With decades of application knowledge and intellectual property in combustion technology, our applications engineers can work with you to assess your process to reduce costs and emissions. We can also design and build state-of-the-art gas distribution systems (flow controls) for oxygen enrichment in your process.


Air Products gases, typically provided in gaseous and liquid form, enable customers in a wide range of industries to improve their environmental performance, product quality, and productivity.


Okrem jeho použitia ako dýchacieho plynu pre zdravotnícke aplikácie sú jeho silné oxidačné vlastnosti prínosom pre mnohé priemyselné odvetvia zlepšením výnosov, optimalizáciou výkonu, znížením nákladov a znížením uhlíkovej stopy v porovnaní s inými palivami. 

Count on Air Products’ expertise . . .

Let our applications engineers help you increase the productivity at your facility through oxygen enrichment.