Perspektívy zamestnancov
Air Products vyšším účelom je vytvoriť spoločnosť, kde ľudia cítia, že patria a ich prínos je uznávaný a oceňovaný; spoločnosť, ktorá podporuje spoluprácu medzi ľuďmi rôznych kultúr a prostredí; spoločnosť, ktorá sa zaviazala k udržateľnosti a podporuje komunity, v ktorých pôsobíme; a spoločnosť, pre ktorú chcú naši ľudia pracovať a kde sú hrdí na to, že sú súčasťou inovatívneho procesu riešenia energetických a environmentálnych výziev, ktorým ľudská rasa čelí.
Ana Chavez

Chemical Engineer
"I feel respected and valued for both my technical experience and cultural differences."
I joined Air Products as a participant in the Career Development Program. The ability to explore different areas of the company was very interesting—and a good fit. The company has a mission to be the most profitable in its industry, and I want to be part of that achievement. I have worked on projects that ranged from $0.5 million to $10 million, and the continuous challenges I’m offered allow me to continue developing my career and contribute to the company’s success. Most importantly, I feel respected and valued for both my technical experience and cultural differences.
Rafael Paredes

Global Operational Excellence
Master Black Belt
"By actively participating in Air Products’ Inclusion Network, I hope I can influence and change the number of underrepresented minorities in the workplace."
Throughout my career, I have been in discrete manufacturing and operations. I was once a plant manager. Today, I provide strategic and tactical support to all regions for large productivity programs and projects. One of the accomplishments I am proudest of is being part of a cross-functional team that implemented a complex safety project resulting in over $3 million in savings worldwide by finding a way to extend relief valve inspections from every 4-5 years to every 8-10 years.
Danielle Martinová

Manažér pracoviska
"Podpora rastu a rozvoja svojich zamestnancov, bez ohľadu na úroveň skúseností, je charakteristická pre Air Products."
Počas troch rokov som získal pracovné skúsenosti na rôznych funkčných pozíciách a procesných technológiách, pričom som rozvíjal profesionálne zručnosti a plnil ciele na začiatku kariéry. Počas jednej z mojich prvých úloh som dostal príležitosť riadiť projekt na zníženie strát argónu v jednom z našich závodov na separáciu vzduchu. Zdalo sa to ako veľká zodpovednosť, ale podpora rastu a rozvoja svojich zamestnancov bez ohľadu na úroveň skúseností je charakteristická pre Air Products. Projekt priniesol závodu značné finančné úspory. Rozvinul som základné zručnosti a spoločnosť profitovala zo znížených strát.
Ernie Dixon

Project Manager, GEMTE Americas Execution
“I have seen notable improvements in the workplace for diverse employees over the past 30+ years. We still have many opportunities for improvements along this journey. My passion is fueled by Air Products' recognition that these opportunities exist and our willingness to make changes.”
My career path includes a variety of assignments in Design, Operations and Project Management both as an individual contributor and manager. My current position is a result of learning from years of successes and failures. My greatest lesson is that I must work with all people to achieve success. I think that my ability to work with a diverse group of people has greatly contributed to my career path.

IT Advanced Analytics
"As an international worker in the United States, it is challenging to work and live in a fully different culture and environment. I was happy to join a company where people respect and care about each other. My colleagues are my mentors who help me with the work and guide me through the culture shock. I like that I work for a company that not only targets the profitability but also values diversity and safety as the core of the company’s culture. It was important to me to feel like I was not a foreigner when I walked into the doors on my first day at the company."
As an analytical professional, the most frustrating thing can be spending a lot of resource to develop a solution that no one is really interested in using. Fortunately, I get to work on the issues that are critical to the business at Air Products. It is exciting to see your work helps the business to solve complex analytical problems and bring meaningful managerial insights to the forefront, which facilitates growth and overall success. I also appreciate that the company is willing to provide resources and opportunities for people at all levels of their career and employee training, which help me to continue developing my expertise and growth.