Specialist analytical and industrial applications require an assurance of gas purity at the point of use. BIP® gases guarantee the highest levels of purity. Ultra low impurity levels secure the accuracy of your results.
BIP® technology means failsafe analyses for all GC users, as the gases have impurity levels as low as 10 ppb THC, 10 ppb of O₂ and 20 ppb of H₂O. Every gas cylinder fitted with BIP® technology gives GC users the benefit of an improved baseline, better peak separation, lower detection limits and greater sensitivity. In addition to greater lifetime for columns and detectors and minimal maintenance.
BIP® gas is the zero-defect gas.
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Trish Lees
Špecialista na rozvoj podnikania
"Prečo je čistota plynu kritická pre moju analytickú aplikáciu?"
Niektoré nečistoty môžu poškodiť analytické prístroje a ovplyvniť presnosť výsledkov. Kyslík a vlhkosť sú kritickými nečistotami v mnohých analytických technikách.